The heart and soul of your direct mail campaign is the sales piece copy. Writing brilliant, interesting, persuasive copy is not an easy task. And it’s often not fully appreciated by the people who pay for it. New mailers especially tend to focus on the campaign details of cost, scheduling, and locating mailing lists. Getting […]
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Write Attention-Grabbing Headlines

The headline is the most important part of your sales letter or space ad. You could have the best advertising copy and the best product, but it doesn’t matter IF the reader doesn’t get past the headline. Changing the headline can make a huge difference in your response rate, even if you don’t change one […]
copywriting, direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, sales, sales-pieces, vendorsInclude a Clear Call to Action

If you want people to take action and buy from you, you have to ask for the order. But surprisingly, most marketing messages don’t. If you don’t include a strong, clear, call to action in your direct mail campaign, you are wasting money! You need to make it ABUNDANTLY clear what your offer is. In […]
call-to-action, copywriting, direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, sales-pieceThe Best Headlines of All Time – And What They Can Teach Us Today

The headline of your sales piece carries a big responsibility. It takes just seconds for your prospects to decide whether or not to read further, and their decision is based largely on the headline. Does it grab their interest? Does it convince them there’s something here worth learning more about? Does it predispose them to […]
copywriting, direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, sales, sales-piece10 Keys to Hiring a Great Freelance Copywriter

Getting the right copywriter is one of the trickier aspects of putting together a direct mail campaign. Your copywriter is a “creative” with whom you’ll be working closely. Copywriters need to understand your thoughts and be able to express them in your voice. They must get your “style.” How aggressive do you want to be? […]
copywriting, direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, vendorsHow to Write (or Recognize) Sales Copy That Really Sells

Your sales copy has one purpose. And it’s not to impress the reader with how good the copy is. Or entertain the reader. Or educate the reader. Your copy may do all of the above. But that’s incidental. Your sales copy has only one reason for its existence. To persuade people to do what you […]
benefits, copywriting, direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, service5 Elements of an Irresistible Call to Action

Having the right sales piece is crucial to the success of your direct mail campaign. And one of the most critical aspects of any sales piece is the offer/call to action. This is the part of the copy that lets readers know what you want them to do and what they’ll get for doing it. […]
call-to-action, copywriting, direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, salesUse Content Marketing

One of today’s trends in marketing doesn’t look anything like marketing – and it’s actually been around for more than 100 years! Today it has the name, “content marketing” or “information marketing,” and whether your business is web-based or brick-and-mortar, you would be wise to take advantage of this effective medium. The idea behind this […]
content-marketing, copywriting, direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, sales-piecesUse Good Grammar, Bad Grammar, But Not Ugly Grammar

Bad grammar is not always so bad. There are different kinds of grammar. There’s good grammar, there’s intentionally bad grammar (which sometimes has its place – especially in copywriting), and there’s ugly grammar – that’s just plain bad grammar that shows ignorance and casts a bad light on the writer. When you know what you’re […]
copywriting, direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, grammarLimit Ordering Options

Your direct mail package and your sales copy are all carefully designed to bring your prospects to the critical moment where they will pull the trigger and place the order. You don’t want to lose them at this point. Your goal is to get them to ACT NOW! But that’s just when many marketers make […]
call-to-action, copywriting, customers, direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, sales-pieces