There’s so much involved in either starting up a new business or entering a new phase of your existing business. It’s an exciting time. And you probably have a lot of money invested that you can’t wait to start recouping. You may have put in new phone lines, or started a new website as part […]
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The Ins and Outs of SWOT

What if there was an analysis tool that helped to shine a spotlight on all the critical aspects of a company’s situation so that an intelligent, focused direct mail program can be developed? There is: It’s called SWOT Analysis. If you can incorporate the SWOT analysis into your marketing plans, it will help you focus […]
direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, planning, swot, swot-analysis, testingDon’t Let Saturation Swamp Your Profits

Saturation can occur when you mail the same sales copy/package to the same group of prospects over and over. A saturated market isn’t a profitable one, so you want to avoid putting yourself in that position. There are a number of ways you can saturate your mailings. One of the most common ways is failing […]
direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, planning, profit, sequential-mailingUse Holidays to Your Advantage

When putting together a direct mail campaign, you want an angle that will make you stand out from your competition. You want to send out unique sales pieces that will grab your customers’ attention and hold it. You want something that interests them. One great way to connect with people is to give them something […]
direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, holidays, planning, sales