One of the greatest rules for writing ad copy that works is to recognize that people buy benefits, not features. They don’t buy a slice of cooked beef. They buy a sizzling steak that smells and looks delicious. The heart of any successful direct mail campaign is the sales piece. That’s where it all starts. […]
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Posts tagged "direct-mail"
Calculate Profit Without Indirect Costs

When tracking the profit of your direct mail campaigns, you basically look at your overall income from the campaign, minus the cost of printing and mailing your sales piece. It wouldn’t make sense to track how much you sold without how much it cost you. However, you do not need to include any kind of […]
campaign-results, direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, profit, trackingModel Your Best Customers

To get the most bang from your advertising buck, and find new customers who will stick with you, you need to send out very targeted mailings. You don’t want to send your mailings haphazardly to people in general. That would be a waste of money. You want to invest your money and efforts into your […]
customers, direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, modeling, new-customersSell Like the Chinese: 4 Tips for More Profit

Even if your business never extends across US borders, you can learn something from the sales techniques in China. I’m fascinated by China’s role in the world. They have a love/hate relationship with a lot of countries – especially ours. I took my family to China a many years ago because we were adopting a […]
direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, profit, quick-tips, salesGet Organized

If you are better organized, you have a better chance of managing your time effectively. When I talk about getting organized people generally think I’m referring to a spick-and-span office with not a paper out of place. But my experience has taught me that a neat office is not necessarily a very organized office. If […]
direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, get-organized, time-managementIntrigue Prospects With a Tear Sheet

As direct mail marketers, we are always looking for ways to get prospects to open the envelope – and then actually read the sales piece. Sometimes our approach requires us to be a little more creative to grab the prospect’s attention. I want to share with you one method that I’ve used many times with […]
direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, sales-pieces, types-of-mailingsPresort Your Mail

It’s still hard to believe that the cost to mail a first class letter is 55¢. First Class mail sent in batches of 500 pieces costs 46¢ a piece. And the cost to mail a letter bulk rate has gone up to more than 30¢. Postage is one of the largest budget items for direct […]
direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, mail-processing, mailing, presort, uspsUse Good Time Management to Avoid Burnout

When I started working for myself, I soon realized I would have to put some limits on how much time I’d devote to my business. Without “regular hours” or a boss telling me exactly what was required of me, I was in danger of working 24 hours a day in an effort to meet all […]
direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, planning, time-managementUnderstand QR Codes

Funny boxes have been appearing everywhere: on ads, direct mail pieces, billboards, and I’ve even seen them on t-shirts. You may have also seen them on your boarding pass the last time you traveled by airplane. Those boxes are called “QR codes,” and many of you may already know about them and might even be […]
direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, marketing, qr-codes, sales-pieceGet Your Postcard the Attention Your Business Deserves

Whoever thought you could do so much with a simple postcard? Nowadays the options for postcard mailers have grown by leaps and bounds. But more options means more planning on your part. If you want your postcard mailings to make a huge impression and really get noticed, you need to explore all the possibilities that […]
direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, personalization, postcard, purl, sales-pieces, types-of-mailings